
I'm Looking For Cuisine


Can’t decide where to eat for dinner? FoodMatch is here to help. Whether it be deciding as a group of friends or as a couple, FoodMatch is designed to find the overall preference of everyone to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable dining experience. By taking into account each person’s taste, groups can anonymously decide what to eat without anyone feeling like they are sacrificing something. So the next time your friends or spouse say “I’m fine with anything,” let FoodMatch do the planning.


Food for Everyone

  • Est: 4 October 2020
  • Website:
  • Phone: +123 456 7890
  • Email:
  • Popular: Hattie B's
  • Try something new: Italian
  • City: Nashville, TN
  • Explore more: Available

How does it work? FoodMatch takes restaurants near the city your profile is set up for and organizes them in a easy to read card format for which you can decide yes or no. For all the yeses that everyone chooses, these restuarants will be shown to everyone as mutual agreements. In the future, we plan to integrate a random restuarant generator so it will automatically pick restuarants from those that everyone agrees as well as further implement yelp api to categorize restaurants and provide more information on each one.


What are you in the mood for? Click thumbs up and thumbs down and let us help you decide!

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  • Past Favorites
  • Highest Rated

The Stillery

Hattie B's

The Farm House


Peg Leg Porker

The Pharmacy

5th & Taylor


The Mockingbird



Sun & Fork


Here's what you felt like today. See what others thought!


Message a friend a grab a meal together, feeling confident that it is something you both want to eat!


COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill as both customers and restuarants must adapt to new times. Let us make it one step easier for you. Order directly from FoodMatch, split bills with friends, and enjoy meals while social distancing!


2201 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37235


+1 (615) 322-7311

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